Water Line Lead Inspection
The Department of Health and the Environmental Protection Agency have instructed us to inspect every water service line entering residences and businesses for the presence of lead. These inspections must be completed by the end od September Details

Job Opportunities


Employment Opportunities for the Town:

To Apply for these positions please visit the link below




Planning Board & Zoning Board positions available

The Town of East Bloomfield Planning & Zoning Boards are looking for interested residents to serve . The Planning Board meets the first and third Thursday of the month at 7:30 pm. The Zoning Board meets on the 4th Wednesday of the month at 6:30 pm. The positions are open to any legal town resident.  Résumés and a letter of interest are now being accepted.  Please drop your résumés with letter of interest off at the Town Hall, 99 Main Street, Bloomfield, NY 14469, or mail to: 

Town of East Bloomfield,
PO Box 85
East Bloomfield, NY 14443
Attn: Christel Daggett, Zoning Board Secretary


Employment Opportunities in the Community:

Terphane, a plastic fabrication company located at 2754 W Park Dr, Bloomfield, NY 14469, has the following job opportunities available:

Machine Operator

Material Handler



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